Supporting our Immune and Respiratory Systems Naturally
After my FB post went viral about the side effects my son experienced from a med he was prescribed last year, people are wondering what our Fall/Winter routine is to prevent catching the crud going around and how to support our immune systems if we do catch it. So I'm sharing our family's top 4 things for wellness!
Elderberry Syrup
Research the amazing benefits of Elderberry syrup and you will know why this is one of our main go-tos! We have used elderberry syrup as a line of defense for around 8 years now. I have always bought it from the store, but it's expensive & contains additives...and I never realized how EASY it is to make your own! My friend Lynsey from Yonderway Farms shared her recipe with me and I whipped up a batch.
You will need:
- 1 cup of organic dried elderberries
- 5 cups of filtered water
- 1 cup of raw honey
- Young Living Thieves vitality oil - which contains Cinnamon, Clove, Lemon, Rosemary & Eucalyptus oils for supporting your immune & respiratory systems! I love this added wellness punch for our bodies! (You can also substitute individual oils like Lynsey does = 3 drops Cinnamon Bark Vitality, 3 drops Ginger Vitality, 3 drops Nutmeg Vitality, etc. Whatever your heart desires!)
- A strainer
- A mason jar or other glass container to store your sealed syrup in the fridge (Makes 4 cups or fills a a 32-oz mason jar)
Add elderberries and water to a pan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer low and slow for a good 40 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool a bit. When able to handle, pour through a metal sieve and smash the berries down with a spoon & collect all that goodness in a bowl below. Allow the elderberry juice to cool until just warm enough for the honey to melt. Add your essential oils (I used 10 drops of Thieves Vitality oil) to the honey first. Then add your honey to your juice and stir until melted/fully combined. Pour into your glass container of choice and, easy peasy lemon squeezy, you are good to go!
Take a teaspoon daily by spoon, or add to your Ningxia Red shot or tea!
Thieves Wellness Tea
You will find my husband Roby making Thieves tea often. Since he is always making it for me and he has me saved in his phone contacts as "Wifey," I figured I just HAD to get this mug for him to make my tea for me right?
- You can make this simple "tea" with just hot water, or you can actually make decaf or regular black tea and add everything to it...whatever floats your boat! To your desired warm base, add 1 teaspoon of Manuka honey (look up the benefits of this amazing honey that bees make from the manuka trees of New good for you!) My favorite brand is Wedderspoon (KFactor 16) & I recently found out that they now make single serve packets to take your honey on the go. How rad is that?! If you don't have Manuka yet...use raw, local honey.
- Next add 1 TBLS of apple cider vinegar (optional, but also so beneficial).
- Lastly, add 1-5 drops of immune & respiratory system supporting Thieves Vitality oil & several drops of yummy Lemon Vitality. Thieves is a spicy oil because of the cinnamon and clove it contains... so use the amount right for you! WE LOVE OUR THIEVES!
Ningxia Red
We consider the Young Living Ningxia Red antioxidant juice magical around here! The kids love to call it Ninja cousin calls it Ninjago juice...whatever you call it, it has amazing benefits and has the highest ORAC value of any juice on the market! Nothing like antioxidants fighting free radicals to save the day! It is a "super fruit" juice supplement we take daily because of the way it supports ALL of our body systems, including our immune systems! You only need 1-2 ounces a day. You can also add your elderberry syrup to your daily NR shot!
Ningxia Red benefits*:
- Balanced ingredients provide a whole-body nutrient infusion
- Provides energy throughout the day
- Supports normal cellular function
- Antioxidants galore!
- Supports normal eye health
- It delivers citrus oils containing D-limonene, a powerful component in citrus oils
- The Wolfberry is full of benefits
- Helps prevent oxidative stress
- Your kids might actually love it!
* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Good Old-Fashioned Chicken Soup
I have talked about my love for the Instant Pot on my Facebook page...and this is one of my favorite recipes that I make often with it! I use Raising Generation Nourished's recipe for cooking a whole chicken in the IP, and made a few changes to make it a soup.
- Instead of water, I use organic chicken bone broth and add extra than what is called for (a whole carton).
- I use the onion, carrots, celery and garlic she suggests, but also throw in some ginger root too...and add a bit of turmeric powder (and a crack of black pepper to help absorption of turmeric) too.
- Instead of rubbing herbs under the chicken skin, I add 2 drops each of whatever Young Living Vitality oils I want to use- usually Oregano, Basil, Thyme & Rosemary or any combo of them- to the salt and then rub under the skin.
- I make gluten-free egg noodles on the stove while the chicken is cooking because what kids don't like noodles in their soup?! (They do know I require them to eat all their broth since that is where the goodness is ;).
- When done, I debone the chicken and add back to the soup. I usually fill a mason jar with soup first so I can freeze it and have on hand if friends or family get sick. It can be easily heated up when you are desperate!
- Before serving, I take a toothpick and dip in Oregano Vitality oil and swirl into our individual bowls. Young Living Oregano Vitality oil (not to be confused with oil of Oregano) is STRONG/a super hot oil, so be sure to use just a toothpick swirl. The benefits of Oregano Vitality oil are so, so good for you!
There you have it! 4 ways to help support our bodies during these crazy winter months with germs a flying! Enjoy!