Choosing Joy

Today I spent hours driving back and forth between banks because of incorrect paperwork (by no fault of my own). I found myself frustrated feeling my day was wasted, but realized this was yet another opportunity to remain positive despite setbacks. I thought to myself, if this is the worst thing that happened to me today, how amazing is that? #perspective

I sat in the parking lot for a minute, applied Joy oil over my heart and breathed it in deeply from my hands. I did the same with Patchouli & then ran some Jasmine (my other happy oil) through my hair. Then, out loud, I named 3 things I am thankful for pertaining to my current situation. (I am thankful for my van that makes it possible for me to drive all over town, etc.) While waiting in the bank, I noticed I was standing there I threw a smile on my face. Forcing yourself to smile helps set a tiny happiness spark. I feel like I’ve been tested over and over again this I’m continuing to work on choosing joy & cultivating an attitude of gratitude. We will attract what we put out let’s work on getting that positivity overflowing! #choosejoy#attitudeofgratitude