What are essential oils?
"Essential oils have enhanced lives for thousands of years, offering a variety of benefits from cosmetic and dietary purposes to spiritual and religious use. Young Living has always been at the forefront of bringing this ancient tradition to modern users, introducing millions to emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness that can be truly life-changing.
Extracted through careful steam distillation, resin tapping and cold pressing, the purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they come. Any time you hold a bottle of Young Living's powerful essential oils, you hold nature's pure essence."
The three main ways to use essential oils are: topical application to your skin (sometimes with a carrier oil), diffusion into the air with a cool-mist diffuser/or inhaling from the bottle, and dietary consumption. There are many ways essential oils can be a helpful part of your wellness routine, whether you need relaxing aromas to bring a calm atmosphere to your home, or you want to replace synthetic perfumes with essential oils that have beneficial constituents on top of smelling lovely (win-win!), or you want your family to receive extra support for their immune and respiratory systems! These are just some of the ways Young Living oils and oil-infused products can help you!
This video will teach you all the basic info you need to know!
See those 12 bottles of goodness in the picture below? Those are some of the most commonly used essential oils, what we like to call "everyday oils," that come in the Premium Starter Kit. This kit is the best way to dive into oils and learn how to incorporate them into your every day! Not only will you receive these oils (Thieves, Peppermint, Digize, Citrus Fresh & Lemon Vitality oils, as well as Frankincense, Panaway, Lavender, Peace and Calming, Raven, Valor & Stress Away) but also a cool-mist diffuser, two roller fitments (you can pop one on your bottle of Stress Away immediately so you can glide it on whenever you need it), 2 sample packets of the antioxidant-rich Ningxia Red juice, a bottle of Thieves hand sanitizer, a bottle of Thieves spray to disinfect any yucky situations when you are out and about & an Essential Oil Magazine PLUS all of our team resources (private Face Book groups, private web site full of oily education, and our promise to teach you all you need to know on this oil adventure)!
Did you know that when you purchase a Premium Starter Kit from Young Living you are becoming a part of a team? Be assured, you are IN THE RIGHT PLACE! We take our responsibility to support & educate our team members very seriously! If your friend sent you here, click on her name under the Take Care Be Good Leaders tab and follow the steps to get your own Premium Starter Kit! If you stumbled upon us on your own, go ahead and click on my name, Heather Isaac, and I'll be happy to get you started! We are so HAPPY you are here!